Everything about your Order
📄️ Get all the orders of the clientId
Get all the orders of the clientId
📄️ Get all the category
Get all the category
📄️ Get all the order status
Get all the order status
📄️ Get the order detail
Get the order detail
📄️ Get all the orders lines
Get all the orders lines
📄️ Get the order paid detail
Get the order paid detail
📄️ Get the order paid detail per date
Get the order paid detail per date
📄️ Get the order unpaid detail
Get the order unpaid detail
📄️ Get the order unpaid detail per date
Get the order unpaid detail per date
📄️ Create a new order
Create a new order
📄️ Update the order detail
Update the order detail
📄️ Cancel the order
Cancel the order
📄️ Create a new instant order
Create a new instant order
📄️ Create a new kypay transfert
Create a new kypay transfert
📄️ Validation Orders
Validation Orders