Everything about your Order
ποΈ Get all the orders of the clientId
Get all the orders of the clientId
ποΈ Get all the category
Get all the category
ποΈ Get all the order status
Get all the order status
ποΈ Get the order detail
Get the order detail
ποΈ Get all the orders lines
Get all the orders lines
ποΈ Get the order paid detail
Get the order paid detail
ποΈ Get the order paid detail per date
Get the order paid detail per date
ποΈ Get the order unpaid detail
Get the order unpaid detail
ποΈ Get the order unpaid detail per date
Get the order unpaid detail per date
ποΈ Create a new order
Create a new order
ποΈ Update the order detail
Update the order detail
ποΈ Cancel the order
Cancel the order
ποΈ Create a new instant order
Create a new instant order
ποΈ Create a new kypay transfert
Create a new kypay transfert
ποΈ Validation Orders
Validation Orders