Edit one Natural person
Edit one Natural person
Path Parameters
uuid stringrequired
UUID of the natural person who you want to edit
- application/json
Data to send
Gender stringnullable
Possible values: [Mr
, Mme
, Mr et Mme
The person gender
LastName stringnullable
Last name
FirstName stringnullable
First name
OtherFirstNames stringnullable
Other first name
MaidenName stringnullable
Maiden name
DateOfBirth date-timenullable
CountryOfCitizenship stringnullable
Country of citizenship
CountryOfCitizenship2 stringnullable
Second country of citizenship
Birthplace stringnullable
StateOfBirth stringnullable
State of birth
ActivityCode integernullable
Activity Code
CSPCode integernullable
CSP Code
SourceIncomeCode integernullable
Source Income Code
countryOfBirth stringnullable
Country of birth
pep booleannullable
true if person is politically exposed
minimumMonthlyIncome integernullable
low range of the person's income, in cents
maximumMonthlyIncome integernullable
Max range of the person's income, in cents
minimumWealthValue integernullable
low range of the person's wealth value, in cents
maximumWealthValue integernullable
Max range of the person's wealth value, in cents
own_external_sepa_account booleannullable
Has european account
- 200
- 204
- 401
- 4XX|5XX
UUID of Natural person edit
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
success boolean
uuid string
"success": "true",
"uuid": "25d2a808-aa55-4ce9-983b-ba6ae46fadc7"
No data found with this UUID
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
code integer
message string
"code": "401",
"message": "JWT Token not found"
An error occured
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
success boolean
code integer
internal_code integer
message string
"success": "false",
"code": "409",
"internal_code": "3001",
"message": "Incorect data"