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Create a kycoin wallet for your client



Create a kycoin wallet for your client



Transfer request

    ClientUUID stringrequired

    Your Client (NaturalPerson or LegalEntity) UUID

    WalletAddress stringrequired

    The address of your client polygon wallet

    status stringrequired

    The status of the wallet

    olky_wallet booleanrequired

    If the wallet is from wallet creation

    wallet_connect booleanrequired

    If the wallet is from metamask

    identityRegistryStorage stringrequired

    The idendity registery storage of the wallet


Transaction details

    ClientUUID stringrequired

    Your Client (NaturalPerson or LegalEntity) UUID

    WalletAddress stringrequired

    The address of your client polygon wallet

    status stringrequired

    The status of the wallet

    olky_wallet booleanrequired

    If the wallet is from wallet creation

    wallet_connect booleanrequired

    If the wallet is from metamask

    identityRegistryStorage stringrequired

    The idendity registery storage of the wallet

    uuid stringnullable