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OlkyPass API – Standard Documentation

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The purpose of this technical documentation is to describe the communication processes between the external systems and the bank identity server called "OlkyPass".


The term "Services" refers to actions that make it possible to update the banking identity known as « ENTITY » of natural persons known as « NP1 » and legal persons known as « LE2 ».

1 Natural Person
2 Legal Entity

Bank Identity

Bank identity is a concept that includes identification data of legal or natural persons linked to aliases.

The authentication of natural or legal persons comprises two levels: simple (or declarative) authentication and strong authentication.


The Aliases

Aliases are information that identify ENTITYs, i.e. natural or legal persons
There are several categories of aliases: MAIL, MOBILE, IBAN, WALLET, CARD TOKEN, KEYWORD, QR CODE

The public Aliases

For each category, an alias can be declared « public ». This means that it uniquely identifies the ENTITY: The public alias uniquely identifies a payee or payer for the purpose of making a payment or digital asset transfer transaction.

It is not mandatory to make an alias public by category. But if an ENTITY does not have an alias, it can never be used in a payment or digital asset transfer transaction. To avoid this situation, it is desirable to declare at least one public alias per ENTITY.

There can be N aliases of each category for the same person, but only one per category can be made public. Activating a public alias disables the previous one if it existed.

An alias can also be linked to several separate ENTITYs. But in this case, it cannot be public.

Main Rules of ENTITY

  • The aliases are linked to ENTITYs, natural or legal persons
  • Mail and Mobile category aliases can also be linked to a {NP LE} relationship.
  • There can only be one alias per category linked to the same {NP LE} relationship.
  • There is a maximum of one public alias per category and per ENTITY.
  • The same alias can never be public for 2 different ENTITYs.
  • Two ENTITYs can only be linked by a single link.


  • ENTITYs can be linked to each other.
  • Links between legal entities and natural persons {NP LE} allow the description of relationships such as beneficial owners, agents, signatories, etc.
  • The links between several legal entities {LE LE} are used to describe group structures.
  • Links between several natural persons {NP NP} allow describing relationships between individuals, e.g. family, de facto associations, etc.

Example of bank identities


In this example of bank identities, we find :

  • 4 natural persons (NP)
  • 2 legal entities (LE)
  • 5 links {NP LE}
  • 1 link {LE LE}
  • 1 link {NP NP}
  • 1 MOBILE alias
  • 6 MAIL aliases, 2 of which are public and 2 of which are linked to relationships {NP LE}
  • 1 public KEYWORD alias
  • 2 IBAN aliases, 1 of which is public

Tony Porto can be identified in the context of a payment or transfer operation via his e-mail address as this is his Public Alias. Similarly, the company « Dipso LLC » can be identified via its 2 Public Aliases and ONE FOR THE ROAD for a SCT or a transfer.

The relationship between Tony Porto and Dipso LLC uses the e-mail address

The relationship between Tony Porto and Tipsy Ltd uses the email address

OlkyPass Services

OlkyPass API reference